EUSA requires a volunteer bond be paid by all participating families.
This Frequently Asked Questions section of our website is to help you understand the Volunteer Bond, its requirements and why the EUSA Board decided to place this additional administrative burden into effect. Here are some of the highlights of those requirements.
A volunteer bond is a refundable payment levied on registrants for EUSA programs. This payment is added to the cost of registration and will only be refunded when someone from the family of the registered player fulfills their volunteer obligation.
EUSA has experienced a steady decline in the number of volunteers over the past few years and as an all volunteer organization, EUSA relies on its families for volunteer support to maintain the quality of its programs. The refundable Volunteer Bond is designed to encourage families to volunteer to help run EUSA programs.
The Volunteer Bond will be $75 per household per season for the Spring & Fall seasons.
A minimum of (2) hours of volunteer time within the EUSA season will be required from each household.
There are thousands of opportunities to volunteer time that will contribute towards fulfilling a family's volunteer obligation, from serving as a Head Coach or Assistant Coach; helping with facility maintenance; volunteering at FinalsFest or our 3v3 Live Tournament; Photo Day; Uniform Distribution: snack bar; field cleanup; field lining; serving on the Board of Directors; etc.
Volunteer Bonds will be refunded towards the end of the Fall season (December 15th) and the Spring season (July 15th). Those Volunteer Bonds paid by credit card will be refunded by a credit to the same card. If your credit card is inactive, a check will be issued.
Foundation, EDP Futures, Development ICYSL, and Pre-Academy/Academy EDP Travel program registrations will all be affected. Items such as Coaching Clinics, Winter Training or Summer Training will not be affected.
First and foremost, EUSA is not instituting the Volunteer Bond to raise revenue. The Volunteer Bond is being created to 1) encourage more parents to volunteer; 2) and provide funds to pay part-time help to fill jobs not covered by parent volunteers.
Various e-mails will be broadcasted to EUSA families throughout the year advertising opportunities to help. All you need to do is sign-up per the instructions in the email, then show up, sign-in and do your part. Your completed volunteer work bond form is proof that you have completed the volunteer activity.
There are hundreds of opportunities to help throughout the year that will qualify you to satisfy your obligation to EUSA. If you do not complete your obligation by the end of the season, you will forfeit your Volunteer Bond and those funds will be returned to the EUSA General Fund for operations. Volunteer assignments will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis, so if you want to make sure that you fulfill your obligation before the year ends, sign up as early as possible. EUSA is not responsible for finding volunteer tasks for parents; parents must take responsibility to sign up for and complete tasks that will meet their obligation.