The Executive Board of the EUSA is elected by the membership at the December general meeting. Board members serve for a term of one year with no restriction on the number of terms a member may serve. All positions are Volunteers.
Any adult member of EUSA whose membership is in good standing is eligible to run for any the following Board positions: Secretary, VP of Fields, VP of Communications, Treasurer.
Those members who have satisfactorily served as a Division Director for the Foundation League may run for the postions of VP Foundation Program.
Those members who have satisfactorily served on a Travel Program Committee may run for the postions of VP Travel or VP Travel / League Contact. Same applies to the Development ICYSL Program.
In order for a member to run for the position of President or Executive Vice-President, they must have previously served on the board for at least one full year during the three years prior to the election. Members who are not currently on the board and want to run for an office must declare their candidacy in writing, to be received by the current president or at the EUSA post office box no later than three days prior to the November Executive Board meeting immediately preceding the election meeting.
More specific information is available in the link for the bylaws governing eligibility for office and requirements for nominations.
Our mailing address is: EUSA, P.O. Box 394, Edison, NJ 08818. Please contact us via e-mail. You can use for general questions or contact a specific Board member by clicking on their title shown in the listing of Board members.